
Swift and Smart: 5 Project Management Tips for Successful Freelancing

Contrary to popular belief, being a freelancer is not an easy job. With lots of projects on hand, freelancing becomes a tough job to manage.

So it’s no surprise that many flourishing freelance designers, developers, writers, and creators rely on at least one project management software to keep the things sorted.

The precise steps in the usual project management procedure differ by project requirements and stakeholders involved.

However, some project management practices are familiar to most projects. These are the practices that freelancers can explore and get the added advantage in their work.

In this post, I have categorized five proficient project management techniques that freelancers can utilize and have the benefits.

Set-up Change Control

Experienced project managers don’t allow clients to change their minds frequently and neither should freelancers. Many clients request never-ending streams of revisions that were the part of new work.

To deal with such scenarios you need to restrict and minimize project changes by a contract stating that added alterations will cost extra money.

Also, utilize a change control set-up for meetings by keeping the initial one free while charging for additional sessions at an hourly rate.

This control will save your time as well as efforts as a freelancer, and you can invest that time in more productive activities.  You can manage all your transactions with multiple clients with the help of an invoicing software.

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Set and Measure Milestones

Freelancers often fail to see the magnitude of setting milestones because their projects are small in size or they lack the project management experience.

A project management software tool can help you set and measure benchmarks which can further assist you in meeting the project deadlines.

Maintain Metrics

Maintaining the right metrics not only facilitates you in assessing how much time you require to work on a project but even enables you to give a precise quote to the client. These metrics will help in estimating your project pricing and take care that you are not underselling your skill-sets.

Exercise “Lessons Learned” Sessions

Well experienced project managers always try to avoid repeating mistakes by following “lessons learned” session at the end of every project. Freelancers can gain from implementing a similar practice after they finish a gig.

Key Takeaways

Following the above, five project management techniques will enable you to deal with your multiple project deadlines swiftly, smartly, as a freelancer – ultimately saving your time, efforts and money.

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DaiSoftware April 3, 2019 at 9:20 am

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Shiva February 12, 2020 at 5:44 am

Nice Blog, Thank you for sharing a valuable topic.


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