
Advantages of Using Anti Phishing Software in Business Enterprises

The employees of business enterprises are more prone to phishing attacks. That is because they can provide the attackers with no just personal information, but also gives them access to the internal system of the enterprise.

The fact the phishing is now an organized crime with the scammers and imposters forming groups to target a brand in a systematic manner and breaking through the barriers of their security system is another reason.

Most enterprises rely on anti-phishing attack software that is outdated or uses limited technology to block phishing emails. It is time that enterprises moved on to a more advanced and powerful email security system that can provide them with complete protection from phishing attacks.

Hackers are finding new ways to bypass email security. A zero-day attack is an example of one such phishing attack. Most software fails to detect these emails as malicious as they depend on an existing database to compare the URLs for checking the authenticity of an email.

When the URL doesn’t match with the ones in the database of malicious ones, the signature needs to be developed for it to block the attack. It could take around 2 days for the process to be completed. In the meantime, people could fall into the trap and be duped.

Every month about 1.5 million new websites are created for the purpose of phishing. To constantly update the database is a complex and time-consuming task.

Enterprises need an anti-phishing attack software that would use technology like artificial intelligence and computer-aided vision to detect fraudulent emails and alert the users. Read on to see how a cloud-based email security system detects and blocks the phishing emails effectively.

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Microsoft Office Macro Security

  • Macro is a feature of MS Office that is used to automate repetitive tasks. These are powerful tools that can make changes on a wide scale by the single click of a button.
  • This poses a risk for enterprises as malicious software and virus could be introduced and installed into the system using macros.
  • Employees receive dozens of MS office files on a regular basis, which contain data and information they need to work on as a part of their job.
  • Scammers send similar files and documents from a known or an altered email id posing as a fellow employee or a senior executive.
  • When the email passes undetected by the anti-phishing software, employees simply download the file. It results in allowing the attackers to access the system.

Infected PDF Files

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader has a lot of features that make it one of the extensively used package. But it also allows attackers to create a PDF file to install malware into the system it is downloaded.
  • The emails will be crafted to lure the users convincingly to download the file. It automatically runs the code in the file, thereby introducing the virus into the system.

Malicious Links

  • Embedded links within emails are an easy and convenient way to direct the users to a fake website.
  • The website then asks for the personal information of the users such as account details, credit card pin numbers, or prompt them to make a transaction that is, in reality, fake and steals the details of the users.

Embedded Code 

  • HTML emails allow users to send customized emails that are misused by scammers.
  • Malicious scripts are coded into the HTML which will run automatically once the email is opened by the users. This will result in downloading and spreading the virus into the system.

Using the latest anti-phishing software will prevent such emails from being opened by users. The code in each email is checked and any URL without a signature is first blocked. Then it is checked for all kinds of phishing threats such as domain spoofing, brand forgery, etc. to ascertain the authenticity of the email.

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