
How To Boost Your Email Marketing by Using Schema Markup

Are you facing the challenge of attracting the right prospect? In this scenario, one just needs a premium strategy to hit the bull’s eye and pull the best prospects for sales conversions. B2B customers need proper business communication with a strong CTA.

As a marketer, you know that markup is used in web pages, but are you aware to use it in the email to attract the attention of your recipient? helps in adding the required CTAs, which attracts the attention of the recipient.

Now, for the beginners let’s understand in detail what is…

Schema is the additional code that provides more information about the pages to the Googlebot crawler. makes the balance between several syntaxes in making clear recommendations to the webmasters.

These syntaxes are RDFa, which is a resource description framework in attributes, and JSON-LD, which is the JavaScript Object Notation for the linked data. In order to reduce the complex situation, promoted the syntax known as the Microdata developed as a part of HTML5.

Whatever be the syntax, the schema markup helps a specific email to stand out from the rest of the emails.

Schema markup for emails

As a marketer, you want your email to have an impact on the recipient; schema markup in emails motivates them to take the required action on emails as early as possible. The call-to-action button is the highlight of the email as it paves the path for starting the right business communication with the user.

How structured data/schema markup helps marketers? How it helps the Gmail user?

Structured data is the information that helps the machine to better understand the content in the emails. They provide useful results to the user. Gmail annotations are the perfect example of real-time structured data.

Find some of them here:

  1. A time period for the discount
  2. A logo image URL
  3. URL for the promotional image
  4. Discount offer description

It helps the search engines in better understanding of who are you and what work you do. Better understanding leads to a better findability rate.

With search engines trying to deliver only relevant and high-quality content, it has become necessary for a marketer to develop results that match the search requirements and needs of the user.

Schema markup helps the website rank better for all the content types. There is a markup for book reviews, software applications, restaurants, events, TV episodes and ratings, local businesses, movies, products, etc.

Check out some of the examples where markup used in the email appeared in the Google search engine results:


Structured data and its importance in SEO

Structured data is important in SEO, as it helps the search engines in finding and understanding the content of the website. It also helps in the future search process as Google and other search engines continuously personalize the user experience to answer questions on their search engine results page.

Structured data also makes an organization more visible to their potential customers, and increases the CTR rate by up to 30%.

Structuring the data with provides beneficial results like using the information again and again for enhancing analytics and the onsite search as informing the chatbots and yielding voice benefits.

Benefits of the Email markup

Email markup is not only going to help you when the user is executing his search process but also in improvising the conversion rate. Schema markup can help marketers in the following ways:

  1. 20% higher CTR
  2. 35% more impressions
  3. 26% more clicks
  4. Users getting 3.6% more interactive with their content

Email markup helps in standing out in the organic search. These results can be via star, images, ratings, reviews, breadcrumbs, actionable links, etc.

Email markup actions

Actions created by the email markup allow the recipients to interact with the business, service, or product within Gmail. The four types of actions are:

1. One-click actions:

These are the actions to complete the task with one click in Gmail. It results when someone signs up for the email list, and they need to confirm their subscription. The one-click actions are of two types

  1. Saved Actions
  2. Confirm Actions

2. Review actions:

The review actions allow the email recipients to add a star and comment review for the business, services, and products.


3. RSVP actions:

These actions allow the email recipients to confirm whether they will attend an event or not, by replying to the event from the Google calendar. The email will have the event card where one can see the details of the meeting via which the attendee has to confirm his presence.


4. Go-to actions:

These are the actions that do not come in all the above categories; it is when one has to take the email recipient to the website and complete the action. Marketers can customize and tailor CTA for specific uses such as reviewing the transactions on the credit cards, updating the payment information, and resetting the password.


How to add the markup in an email?

First, you need to register with Google. This is a multi-step process to ensure that the emails which you send are secure and not spam.

The other steps which as a marketer you have to follow are:

  • You will need access to the HTML based emails 
  • A website that can host your call to action destination
  • DKIM/SPF configuration for the outgoing email
  • Bulk email guidelines
  • Must send at least 100 emails per day to the Gmail users for few weeks so that Google can check with the low spam rate complaints by the recipients
  • Must meet the other guidelines such as same IP address for sending the email, same email address for sending to different recipients, adding subscribers to the list who have opted-in.

You can add the markup to an email with micro-data or JSON-LD. Google also prefers the Microdata in the header. 

Check the above example, which is the HTML tag. The <body> tag and <p> paragraph tag is where one will be adding the markup.

First, you have to put a <div> tag identifying the email type for event reservation. It uses the tags such as itemscope and itemtype. itemscope specifies that email is referring to a thing and itemtype identifies what the thing is.

Next is the <meta> tag for specifying the customer’s reservation number for the event.

The customer’s reservation status is being specified by using a URL with a <link> tag

The finished code will look like this:

Google’s Gmail email markup tester helps in checking the code for errors or anything which one misses out on. 


Schema markup is highly beneficial for email marketing. As the competition intensifies and every organization tries to outsmart the other, this tactic is a savior for marketers.

You can try different methods for providing a unique appearance to emails. The markup is a great way to make the connection with the recipients so that they can respond to your CTAs.

The outcome, one can see is that there is a huge improvement in the conversion rate.