Picking the right web hosting service is essential in boosting the search engine performance of your website. If the selection is right, it could have a positive effect on the SEO of the site. And if a bad hosting service is chosen, it might hamper prospects of the site and weaken its conversions.
Plus, there is more than just considerations of bandwidth and disk storage while deciding on the right web hosting service.
So, make sure the hosting service provider you choose to suit all your varied requirements of the site and contribute it your online success. If you want additional advice on which hosting provider to choose, visit this great site.
What to Consider Before Choosing a Web Hosting Service
Here are some factors to consider before picking a web host service –
1. Uptime score and security
You must avoid a web hosting service that has weak servers and unreliable network connections. This may keep your site offline more often than it should, causing loss of viewership and conversions.
A good hosting service is one that delivers a decent uptime score above 99.5% as it will ensure success to your site. More importantly, you must go for a secure hosting solution so that your data and site are accessible all the time.
2. Live support 24×7
A good web hosting company is always quick and efficient in providing technical support for problems. It is available round the clock with support on a 24×7 basis so that issues cropping up even at odd hours get timely solutions.
The web hosting service you choose should be just restricted to email and support tickets and rather also provide help via chat. It’s better if the host also has social media visibility apart from having an in-house support team for help.
3. Site and data backups
Cyber threats are always there. Their target is no longer restricted to websites in financial sectors only. Hackers and ransomware are also eyeing general websites which can put your website and its data forever on risk.
Naturally, cyber-threats can cause great damage to not only your site’s index.php file but also to local hard disk. That’s why you need to choose a host that provides regular web data backup. If you are from United Kingdom and looking for the best web hosting then check guru99’s list of Best Web Hosting UK .
4. Renewal charges
It’s easy to get attractive hosting plans when you sign up for the first time. However, hosting companies make a killing with the renewal with charges going as far as three times in some cases than the original plan.
So, if you don’t want to pay that much, it’s better to check renewal charges before signing up with the host. With limitations of shared hosting plan, it’s always better to go for a dedicated or VPS hosting service and with considerations of upgrades and host charges as well.
5. Addition of multiple domains
The web host you choose should be able to support your growth and diversification. It has to accommodate your needs arising out from growing to multiple websites from a single one and having many domains and subdomains easily.
So, a good host is one that allows the running of multiple sites on a single hosting account. That’s why you first need to check the costs that will incur on many sites and domain packages and then find the right host to scale up.
6. Clear terms of engagement
You should trust a web hosting company that clear terms of engagement and with nothing hidden in terms of charges for violation. Some might penalize you monetarily or discontinue the host service if your use is not in sync with their terms.
In most cases, web hosts prefer to levy extra charge which they hide between fine prints first up when you sign up with them. It’s therefore important to avoid a host that lacks clear terms of engagement regarding extra charges on some violation.
7. E-Commerce and email options
It’s always better to choose a web hosting company that offers email hosting for your site’s primary email. It will prove beneficial in subscriber conversions and your e-commerce business will gain a lot out of it.
You can compare different web host services and choose the one that offers email options to get better value for money. You can also take help of a top web development company and make the selection of web host easier than it would otherwise.