Cloud Computing

How Cloud Computing Is Perfect For The Current IT Culture

Cloud computing is one benefit of technology that has come to stay. Having been around for over two decades with numerous advantages gained by companies that have adapted their systems to be tailored towards the cloud, it is amazing that a huge chunk of the business community has refused to key into cloud strategies.

Dell reports that with companies that invest in cloud, big data and security, there is an over 50% increase in their revenue growth than for those competitors who do not invest in the same.

Cloud computing is known to operate like web-based email clients, letting users gain access to several features without them having the burden of keeping the bulk of needed information on their systems. As a matter of fact, Gmail, Google Drive, TurboTax, and social networking platforms are part of the cloud.

Those seeking a career in AWS Cloud is an amazing opportunity to make a lot of money. With the growing demand in the industry, jobs in the field are very high paying. To get into it, you need not spend a fortune to get the AWS training and certification.

There are some amazing solutions associate practice exams that come with hands-on labs on Udemy these days which are prepared by experienced tutors in the Industry. These are not only cost-effective but allow you to prepare as and when you get time for it.

As far as investment is concerned, there’s never been a better time to invest in the cloud than in this current IT culture than now, and here’s why:

1. You Save Cost 

There is an initial cost of implementing the cloud infrastructure, but there is no reason to worry about that because the benefits far outweigh the risks. The return on investment, while using the cloud, is simply massive. You get the ease of access to your company’s data, and this saves valuable time and money. As well, you get to choose which features of the cloud that you want, and pay as you use them- so you aren’t charged for those features you did not access. 

2. Security

Lots of organizations face security concerns, what with the worldwide access to data and information via the internet in the current IT culture. 

If files, programs and other forms of data are not kept securely on the internet and can be accessed by anyone, you should be worried about how well they are being protected.

But when you have access to the cloud, things are quite different.

For example, on the cloud, there’s a cloud host, whose full-time job is to monitor security carefully. Interestingly, these monitoring services are more efficient than in a typical in-house system, as the organization has lots of IT concerns to address with security being just one of them. As well, you mitigate against internal data theft that might occur in an organization by its employees.

For instance, according to RapidScale, 94% of businesses had an improvement in their security when they switched to the cloud; as when data is being transmitted and stored via cloud, it is encrypted and a lot less accessible to hacking. 

3. Increased Flexibility

How annoying would it be, if as a business, you spend most of your time handling IT related issues instead of focusing on client satisfaction?

By relying on cloud services, you bypass this problem; and have more time on your hands to devote towards the parts of your business that fetch you more money. 

As opposed to a local server, for example, the cloud offers your business more flexibility. Also, if you require increased bandwidth, cloud-based services easily provide this service instead of you having to update your IT infrastructure- which is a lot costlier. Overall, this makes your organization more flexible.

4. Heightened Mobility

With cloud computing, there is increased mobile access to corporate data through the use of smartphone devices, and with the number of smartphones globally in use up to about 2.6 billion, cloud computing is an excellent means of keeping everyone connected. Keep every member of your staff in the loop over issues that matter, via the cloud.

Further, improve employee satisfaction and increase your brand ranking by using the cloud.

5. Increased Insight

In this digital age, data is money. Within the million bits of data which herald client transactions, there are lots of important information that would help your business thrive, which can be found in data. How easy is it to sift through billions of data? This task is difficult enough, that you wouldn’t have any volunteers to carry it out. 

With cloud computing, however, no one has to take up this herculean task that is easily accomplished over the cloud. 

Wrapping Up

The knowledge and use of cloud computing is no longer something that’s okay to have. The current IT culture necessitates it. It is a great time for those seeking a career in cloud computing and the investors.

If you have been from the field in the past, take a certified course and go for the official certification exam. If you already have some knowledge and cannot spare time for daily lessons, get someone to take notes for you so that you can prepare for the actual exam. 

So, either you’re in, or you will be kicked to the curb. What would your choice be?

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