
How People Are Embracing IoT Devices in The Home

Prior to 2010, the “smart home” was more defined by a really cheesy Disney movie than a reality in the home.

Since then, people have become increasingly comfortable using the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, mostly through the home and mobile devices they can connect to one another using Internet or Bluetooth networks.

Among the core reasons people use IoT devices include:

  • Communication
  • Monitoring and control
  • Access to information and data

This article will discuss trends in how the more people are integrating these technologies into their homes, the more comfortable they become and the more they rely on them to live their everyday lives.

Smart Home Devices are The Most Familiar IoT Technology

survey from Clutch reveals that people are most familiar with smart home devices such as smart home security systems, smart thermostat, or smart locks, compared to other popular IoT technology.

IOT Devices people are familiar with

In addition, a 2018 survey showed that nearly twice as many people own smart home appliances compared to wearables or digital assistants.

To an extent, people have no choice but to be familiar with IoT in their home: many manufacturers now hire IoT developers to add connected functionality to home devices and appliances.

As a result, when people purchase a new refrigerator, oven, or thermostat, the chances are increasingly high that it is an IoT device.

This “forced adoption” allows people to become familiar and more comfortable with smart devices and their application to everyday life.  

Also Read: Smart Supply Chain IoT: Five Benefits

Remote Access and Control Make IoT Devices Appealing

IoT devices offer users a host of benefits and conveniences – namely the ability to connect, access, and remotely control devices.

Benefits of Using connected Devices

Each of these primary benefits speaks to the value people place on the ability to control elements of their lives to their exact preferences.

This is made even easier with new “Hub” systems designed to access multiple devices on the same interface.

The Apple HomePod, for example, allows people to scan certain devices, for example a smart thermostat, and add them to their “suite” of devices they can control through the platform.  

These “hubs” create ecosystems which allow you to use one connected device, such as a smart speaker, to control another, such as your home security system.

This ease of use creates an incentive for people to buy more devices that can be integrated into these systems.

IoT Devices Currently Lack Necessity for Users

Despite their benefits, people don’t consider IoT devices as necessities.

Clutch’s 2018 survey indicated that over 60% of people said they can accomplish their day-to-day activities without their connected devices.

This finding may relate to the fact that some IoT devices simply aren’t necessary to accomplish daily tasks.

For example, smart interfaces on a refrigerator can make users’ lives easier, but they aren’t required to order food or physically access the contents.

Changing the temperature on a smart thermostat, on the other hand, is much more likely to require that people rely on IoT tech to accomplish an everyday task.

As more people invest and install IoT devices in their homes, it’s likely they will depend more on these devices to live their everyday lives.

Embracing and Adopting IoT in the Home

Connected devices that enhance our everyday lives are nothing new. For years, people have become increasingly dependent on their smartphones to make our life better, easier, and more streamlined.

IoT is simply an evolution of our previous wireless technology; an evolution that has the ability to offer several benefits to users. Connected devices can make our lives more efficient, productive, and effective.

As connected devices continue to appear in homes as a product of forced adoption, and become easier to connect and more convenient to use, more people will experience the benefits that IoT can offer.

Implementing these devices into our homes will allow us to leave behind many manual constraints and potentially develop a better understanding of the world around us.

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