Have you ever felt like your computer does not perform at the same level it used to when it was new? Don’t worry, because we will help you improve your PC’s performance so you can run all your favorite games faster.
If your hardware is outdated, there’s little you can do except upgrading it with the latest components. Having said that, here are various software tweaks you can use to squeeze some extra framerates. If you want enhancements related to games, make sure you visit Battlelog.
Now let’s learn about a few crucial PC gaming tricks and tips to enhance your computer performance.
1. Use the “High Performance” Power Mode
Even though it may sound obvious, most people do not run their PCs or laptops on a “High Performance” power plan. This helps the game utilize all the resources your computer has to offer, resulting in smoother gameplay.
It also forces other hardware to run at their maximum speed so you can play games more easily. The only downside is that you will drain your battery more easily if you play on a laptop.
2. Use Game Mode
Newer operating systems often come with an in-built gaming mode. Depending on what platform you are on, you can either use the Game Mode that comes with your OS or download third-party software that does the work for you.
When enabled, your PC prioritizes games over other applications. To do so, it may close some background tasks.
3. Update your GPU Drivers
This is one of the most important tips of all time. If you’re using a dedicated Graphics Card (GPU), make sure you have the latest drivers installed.
Newer drivers usually improve performance in existing games, introduce new features, and bring support for the latest games.
4. Manage Update Installation
One of the reasons your game may stutter or give low FPS is that it might update in the background. Hated by almost everyone on the planet, it is one feature that eats up CPU and RAM.
Most PCs constantly check and download various updates. Unfortunately, this leads to a drastic decrease in the overall performance of games and your PC.
Most operating systems do not let users disable updating their PCs. However, you can still delay or ask your system not to check for updates for a certain amount of time.
5. Exit game launchers before playing
With many video game stores available online, developers and store owners have released their game launchers. If you play multiple games, chances are there that your PC has a few of these game launchers, such as the Rockstar launcher, Steam, Epic Launcher, Ubisoft Connect, and GOG launcher.
Almost every game launcher out there takes a significant amount of memory. So before you launch the game, try quitting a few of them to free up valuable space.
6. Lower the in-game resolution
If you’ve got a low-end system, it might not be a good idea to run games on your monitor’s native resolution. From the in-game video settings menu, try turning down the image resolution.
For example, if you have a Full HD (1080p) monitor, try turning down the resolution to 1600×900. Although the image quality worsens a bit, the performance gain you will get will be pretty significant.
Try to find the right balance between resolution and framerates. Alternatively, you can also use the “resolution scale” option available in most modern titles.
It lowers the resolution of the image automatically when the performance drops below a certain level.
7. Defragment your Hard Disk periodically
Since files are accessed on a random basis, they spread all over your hard disk. In short, over time, your hard disk will have a lot of fragmented files. Disk fragmentation causes a significant performance drop if you are playing games. This happens because your PC has to read random blocks on the hard disk to access a single file.
Make sure you defragment your hard disk periodically. The built-in Windows defragmentation tool does the job perfectly.
SSD’s can also be optimized using the TRIM function. It frees up space that isn’t occupied, thus informing your PC that those blocks are empty. It results in an increased reading and writing speed.
Not only do low-end systems benefit from these simple tweaks, but a high-end gaming machine can also use them to their advantage. Hopefully, your PC’s performance improves after following these simple tweaks and tips, and you get a better gaming experience.