Today, we cannot do anything without an Internet connection. It’s impossible to watch Netflix movies, play soccer online, listen to podcasts, or even getting in touch with friends. But when can the connection get worse? There are 6 main reasons for this.
1. Weak Wi-Fi Signal
If the slow Internet is due to a weak Wi-Fi signal, first check the connection speed by connecting to the router. After that, connect the device to the computer through the LAN cable. If you find the problem, buy a new router.
IT experts recommend updating the router settings sometimes. After adding and checking the list of all MAC addresses, turn on the filter. One router for a large house may not be enough. Even if you install it in the right place, having a lot of walls jams the signal.
The best solution is to install repeaters. It can increase the coverage area. By placing repeaters at a distance from the router, they transmit the signal to remote corners of the house.
2. Many Devices on One Wi-Fi Channel
Most home routers support only 30 connected devices at a time. Given that modern households connect not only phones, tablets, and computers to Wi-Fi but also cameras, sensors, and light bulbs, it is not surprising that connection speeds are dropping rapidly.
If you do not protect the signal with a password or if everyone in the family has several gadgets, sometimes they will spontaneously disconnect from the router.
Also Read: How to Deal With Slow Internet Connection
3. Damaged Cable
The speed of data transmission depends directly on the integrity of the line. If the Internet connection is lost, check the cable for implicit and visible defects.
Pay attention to the areas where twisting was previously done. In this place, the cable can oxidize and the resistance of the conductors can grow. The speed of Internet connection is affected by all these factors. So we recommend conducting preventive checks for the natural ageing of the cable.
4. ISP DNS Server Is Slow
When connecting to the Internet, the provider assigns a DNS server to the user. The connection speed depends on how close to home it is. The user may switch to a new server himself.
Specialists recommend running a comparative test of the two DNS servers. The program will help you determine how long it takes each of them to respond to the user.
5. Restrictions From the ISP
Sometimes the provider intentionally limits certain types of traffic. For example, the use of file exchange networks. The reason for the limit is the increased load on the provider’s network.
6. Viruses or Malware
Clicking on dubious links that entice you to download something without registration rewards your device with malware that spreads through computer networks. If your device has “picked up” an Internet virus, the latter can spontaneously slow down traffic.
Only regular updates of antivirus programs to clean your computer and a stationary antivirus with constant protection will help to cope with the problem.