Most professionals across all sectors will feel the need to upskill at some stage or another.
It keeps our interests peaked, our resume attractive and it’s a great way to see what kind of changes have occurred in and out of our sectors. Where the tech sector is concerned, the need to upskill is even more relevant, as technology evolves and changes so frequently.
If you have the time and resources to invest in formal or informal education, here are the top tech disciplines for professionals looking to upskill.

1. Data Analytics
Having a background in data analytics will always set you apart from your colleagues, as it shows that you are experienced in not only doing the work but measuring its success.
Unfortunately, many of us have worked in high-production tech environments where physical output is the utmost priority; leaving very little time dedicated to following up on how each implementation has actually performed in the market.
There is a huge range in the type of analytics classes you can take, from a Master’s in Data Science to a day course in understanding Google Analytics. Understand what you what to learn and then find a course that is going to best serve your career.
2. Web Development
Web development is still a fast growing industry with almost every business possessing a website that needs to be maintained, updated and overhauled.
Upskilling yourself in web development (even just the basics) is a great pursuit as it will make you a more attractive candidate to employers who know you can easily and effectively enhance their web presence.
Web development is also where lots of other tech disciplines meet. So, if you are fluent in this area, you may find your working relationships are easier through the knowledge that you have.
There is nothing worse than having to brief a web development agency every time you require small or large issues – so upskill yourself to make sure you can take on that work.
3. Cloud Administration

We all use the cloud and benefit from these integrations, but have you ever thought about administering this work? Sure, there are cloud services, but upskilling yourself in this growing area can be difficult alone.
Your training will include security considerations, how to work with different operating systems and connecting dispersed teams. Becoming a cloud administrator is a skill set that will literally set you up for success as it is quite a niche.
As scammers become bolder and malware becomes more sophisticated, the need for a modern and secure system has never been more pertinent where cloud data storage is concerned too.
4. Mobile and Web Applications
Becoming a web or app designer is a great skill to learn, and it might surprise you by just how easy it can be. The most popular app design programs are so intuitive and they can be easily learned by someone with a tech background. After all, there is a lot of assumed knowledge here!
This is a great upskilling option if you are already a web designer and want to expand your expertise in this area. Having this skill duality means you can accept a greater breadth of work from clients, and have more insights into what makes mobile and web applications successful.
You may choose to pursue a formal education model or you could be the type of person who learns by doing and would benefit from installing these app development programs and giving them a go.
5. Digital Marketing

There are some professionals that may not put digital marketing in the technology basket, but that is exactly where it sits. So much of modern marketing is online and integrated with our always-on channels, so upskilling in this field will make you an attractive candidate.
You may also learn more about the commercial elements of business, as digital marketing is tied to an ROI and it is clearer cut with more tools available than measuring other technology tools.
There are lots of providers out there who are training in digital marketing, so be sure to choose a training agency that has great educators with real-work experience.
We hope these top tech disciplines have you thinking about your profession and the many ways you can upskill and diversify your expertise.
If you are not sure which of these areas to dive into first, there is no harm in discussing the viability of these areas with your team and direct manager. This might give you an insight as to where the desired skills are.