
Using Auction Insights Report For Better PPC Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is one of the essential factors used by digital marketers to overcome your competitors’ efforts. Auction insight report is the best activity to seek your competitor’s pay per click (PPC) result. In this article, we will see auction insights definition, features, and limitations. 

What is Auction Insight?

Auction insight is one of the analysis report tools from advertisement campaigns like google, Microsoft, Bing, etc. This tool provides insights into your performance in paid ads and auctions performers using exact keywords for different campaigns. With these insights or reports, you can analyze your strategy and opportunities to improve your PPC campaign performance. 

Auction insight reports are gettable in three levels such as AdWords, Campaign, and Keywords. For example, for the Campaign setting, two types are ‘search campaign’ and ‘shopping campaign.’ 

Search Campaign metrics of auction insight-

The Search campaign is the most vital factor for any PPC advertising company to advertise in search engines like google, Bing, etc. Moreover, each search engine provides its campaigns like google ads, Bing ads. Campaign reports are measured in terms of metrics, and a total of six metrics are included; that you can see below- 

Impression share: Impression share is nothing but based on your eligible score in ads like bids, quality scores, and target settings.

Overlap rate: Overlap rate is the success rate of your impression in a campaign than other competitors. 

Position above rate: Position above rate is the percentage of time your competitor is ahead in search engines; it shows your ad time as well.

Top of page rate: Top of page rate is the percentage of any ads spent in the top search engine of neither your ad nor your competitor ads.

Search absolute top impression rate: Search total top impression rate is the first search result of a search engine. It will show which ads are in number one position.

Outranking Share: Outranking share is the percentage of your ads in a higher position than your competitor’s ad.

Shopping campaigns of Auction insight-

The second type of campaign setting and you can get a report for shopping campaigns from action insight. Shopping campaigns also have metrics of Impression share, overlap rate, and outranking share.

Applying Auction Insight-

Auction insight report is essential for applying in your business, to find out your new, old competitor and tracking historical changes.

You can conduct Google searches or use SEMrush to compare your competitor’s ad copy and the various landing pages which you see. This way, you can build your project more creatively. 

Finding out your new competitors-

Action insight is the perfect tool for you to reflect on your new competitors even if you don’t know about them. Action insight helps you track their activity, performance, result, and budgets; moreover, it’s a complete outpost for you over your new competitors.

Who is bidding on your brand?

As we already know, you can get an auction insight report form of metrics where you can see who is venturing on your brand. For example, a PPC campaign is a common factor to look at another company’s advertising budget and activity.

Auction insight helps to find out what devices your competitor is using and a set of keywords—auction insight analyses when your competitor is raising their budget so that you can prepare according to it.

Tracking Historical Changes-

Auction insight tracks your brand and other competitors’ activity of increasing and decreasing bidding terms. The auction insight tracking method is different in some search engines, so you have to be aware of using it. You can track by month or any seasonal period you can set for it as well.

Limitations of the Auction Insights Report-

We have seen advantages and features of the auctions insights report; meanwhile, it has some limitation factors to look out as below as

You can get data for high-traffic keywords and long-lasting reports of only 24 hours.

Impression shares are displayed while keywords are active. It does not show keywords impression share while you are setting the campaign.

You can compare the metrics of your auction report with other competitors who are bidding on exact keywords. However, it does not show competitor metrics like quality score, CPC, etc.

Auction insight report will not show total impression volume, and it offers information and metrics of keywords.


Thus, you saw details of actionable insight and how you could analyze them to evaluate your PPC campaign’s success. In addition, you saw how to get an idea about your competitor’s performance and what paid ads they might be using.

Various agencies can help you in this, such as Brainvire who has experts for analyzing your data. You can find more information on Brainvire, a top SEO agency, here.

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