If you’re a fan of social media, then you know users can be fickle. One second, they’re using one platform, and the next second, they’re flocking to the next.
Currently, the trending social media platform is TikTok. It has 689 million monthly active users and has been downloaded over 2 billion times on Apple App Store and Google Play!
Needless to say, if you want internet fame, you need to be on TikTok. With the right content, you’ll fast-track your way to being an online celebrity.
To help you out, here are 7 ways to get famous on TikTok so you can get started on internet stardom!
1. Follow Trends
TikTok is all about following what’s hot. However, here’s the twist: you have to put your own personal spin on it.
For example, let’s say a lip-synching video is trending. You should then hop on the bandwagon and create your own version of that vid.
Find out which TIkToks are getting massive views, make it your own, and then see your followers skyrocket! Make sure you do it quickly though; trends fall in and out of favor pretty quickly, so don’t be late to the party. Otherwise, this is one of the easy ways to get famous on TikTok.
2. Choose a Niche
It might be tempting to dabble in all sorts of niches so you can maximize on viewers. But when you stretch yourself too thin, you might actually end up losing followers.
So the best thing you can do is to get TikTok famous is to choose the thing you’re most passionate and knowledgeable about, and stick to it.
Being a jack of all trades might work for other platforms, like Instagram. However, TikTok is all about finding a niche and being good at it.
It’s in your best interest to hone in on maybe 1 or 2 subjects, and that’s it.
3. Use the Right Hashtags
If you have any experience using Instagram, Twitter, or even Facebook, then you’ll know about hashtags. These are keywords that you put on your post so when someone searches them, they’ll come across your TikToks.
But this doesn’t mean you should just jam each post with tons of hashtags. Not only do you need to put relevant ones on, but you should also find trending ones that you can get in on.
If you see some really popular hashtags that are trending, feel free to think outside the box a little. So long as it’s a little bit relevant to what you’re posting, then it won’t hurt to hijack the hashtag for your own TikToks. You’ll get famous on TikTok quickly by doing this.
Also Read: The Rising Social Power of TikTok
4. Make Sure You Produce High-Quality Videos
Do you have a very grainy camera? Is your room cluttered with so much mess, it looks like a tornado came through? Then you need to fix these things. Only high-quality videos will trend, so you want to make sure yours is as good as it can be.
If you don’t have a good webcam, then it might be worth it to invest in a high-def one. Make sure it has a good microphone as well.
For your videos themselves, you’ll want to set up your room like a film set. Clean everything up, fix the lighting, and make sure there’s nothing that’ll distract your viewers.
As for yourself, put some effort into your appearance as well. Comb your hair, put on a nice outfit, and wear some makeup if you feel like it.
By putting a little time into the above, you’ll have a leg up on the thousands of other TikTokers trying to make it big.
5. Post Regularly
Let’s say you do a fantastic job at getting people interested in your TikTok. But your increase in followers can just as quickly drop off if you don’t regularly provide them with good content.
The truth is, people love consuming content nowadays. We’d even go so far as to say that they’re addicted!
So if you don’t supply them with what they’re craving, then you’ll lose these followers in the blink of an eye. Keep your TikTok fame by pumping out content on the regular.
6. Collab With Bigger TikTokers
Bigger TikTokers have nailed their content and built a following. So by collaborating with them, you’ll be piggybacking off of their success.
You might not be able to collab with some of the biggest TikTokers, but even partnering with someone who has 10 times more followers than you can be a huge boost for you. You’re essentially borrowing this TikToker’s followers, and if they like what they see, they’ll flock to your account.
7. Buy TikTok Likes
If all else fails, it wouldn’t hurt to buy some TikTok likes. Now, you might be thinking that this is cheating, but it really isn’t. So long as you work with a reputable company, you’ll be buying real likes, which means TikTok’s algorithm won’t punish you for having bot followers.
Buying likes can always help boost engagement because it works the social media platform’s formula in your favor. That way, you don’t have to slowly build those likes. Think of it as jump-starting your TikTok account so you can eliminate the struggles that most people starting out have.
Use These Ways to Get Famous on TikTok
With all these ways to get famous on TikTok, you can take your pick. Not every method will be optimal for everyone, so feel free to experiment with each option. This helps you work the algorithms in your favor so you can rise above and stand out against the crowd!
But most importantly, remember to have fun and get creative. TikTok can be a fantastic way for you to have an artistic outlet!
If you enjoyed this article on the ways to get TikTok famous, then read more about social media by browsing the social media category on our blog page!
Great post.
Well-written article.