Building an email marketing list isn’t an easy task. It takes time and the right strategy to add subscribers to an email list. But on the contrary, a small mistake on your part can end up losing many subscribers at a go.
It is natural to lose email subscribers as the customers keep changing their preferences. But losing a bunch frequently indicates you need to work on your email marketing strategy to retain subscribers.
There may be times when you may know the reason while other times things may seem confusing on why you’re losing out subscribers. Here are the four reasons for the growing list of unsubscribes and their possible solution:
1. Sending Frequent Emails
Overflowing inbox is something that nobody likes. And if you are sending frequent emails every day to your email subscribers, then they are likely to get annoyed and click on the unsubscribe button.
Already thousands of emails keep pouring from different brands and in addition, if you keep visiting customer inbox with emails on a regular basis, you will end up disturbing them.
This will come across as you are too desperate to sell or promote. All your efforts will fail to yield an appropriate result because of your simple mistake.
Don’t go overboard with too many emails. Your subscribers want limited communication and try to adhere to that. If they have subscribed for the monthly newsletter, then do send them emails only once in a month and on every day.
There is as such no pre-defined frequency of sending emails. However, it all depends on the type of communication they want from your brand and gave permission for.
2. Boring Subject Lines
As per the statistics report, about 35 per cent of email recipients tend to open emails on the basis of the subject line. If the subject line your email is engaging and exciting, subscribers will be tempted to click and open it to know more about what is written inside.
But if your subject line fails to ignite the spark, then your emails are most likely to get ignored, unopened or sent to the trash even without having a look at it.
One of the common reasons why you are losing your hard-earned email subscribers is your uninteresting email subject line. It is the subject line of an email that creates the first impression based on which your subscribers decide to open or not to open the email.
Make sure that your email subject line is simple and short. Irrelevant and lengthy subject lines are a big no. Try to include subscriber’s name or action-oriented words to engage the recipient.
As per Marketo, seven words or 41 characters seem to be an ideal length for an email subject line. Also, don’t forget to preview how the subject line appear in the recipient’s inbox when opened on various devices.
3. Not Providing Visually Appealing Emails

Today’s readers are reluctant to read long texts. They want visually appealing content that can be read on the go and in less time. If your emails are full of texts, it is going to discourage your subscribers to hit the ‘Unsubscribe’ button, and thus you end up losing your valuable subscribers.
However, by visually engaging content, we don’t just mean including attention-grabbing photos, logos, and different colours even if they are not required. We are just saying you to create emails that are visually engaging and looks good when opened on mobile or different browsers.
Your emails should be optimized in terms of its template design, relevant images, and links so that no matter in which device readers read it, the email should look pretty.
If you want to get more email signups and stop losing existing subscribers, then invest some time in making your email visually appealing. You don’t need to hire graphic design which may not be in your budget.
The least you can do is make use of readily available email marketing templates that are eye-catchy and need no expert assistance.
Insert your brand logo and attractive images with the help of drag and drop templates, and you are good to go to impress your subscribers.
4. Sending Irrelevant Emails
Already so many emails keep cluttering the inbox of your readers. If you add up to the chaos by sending irrelevant emails then obviously it is going to annoy them, and they will prefer to unsubscribe.
For instance, if the subscriber has signed to your email list for receiving updates on restaurants in their city and the emails, they receive is about food recipes, would they like it? The answer is no. Your email subscribers will not like receiving unrelated emails for which they haven’t signed for, and this will make them unsubscribe.
Don’t send generic emails to all. Add a personalized touch to send emails to individuals that matters to them. Know what your subscribers want and based on their area of interest and preferences, send them relatable and relevant emails at the right time.
With a segmented email list and personalized email campaigns, you can acquire subscribers to grow your list and not reduce it.
It’s normal to lose subscribers, and it happens with every business. Nothing is permanent, especially in a competitive business world where market dynamics keep changing.
But at the same time losing too many email subscribers quite often isn’t a good sign, and you should take it seriously and pay attention to identifying the reason for it.
To find out the root cause of why your email subscribers are hitting the unsubscribe button, you can conduct a survey to get valuable insights on the same. This will help you to work on your weak areas and improve your email marketing tactics to grow your B2B email list.
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